Πλαστά στο eBAY - Sov 1916M & half 1905
10/02/17 22:50:29
Δύο κόπιες πωλούνται στο eBay, η πρώτη είναι sovereign 1916 M και η δεύτερη half sovereign 1905 και οι δύο είναι κακές κόπιες εύκολα αναγνωρίσιμες
11/02/17 00:33:33
11/02/17 17:55:06
O ανθρωπος ηταν εντάξει δεν ήταν γνώστης και δεν το έκανε απο δόλο. Το κατέβασε τώρα. Ανταλάξαμε κάποια emails και του εξηγησα. Να η τελευταία του απάντηση:
Don’t bother coming back to me as I have now compared a good George V with this one and the differences are obvious in many ways. My only hope is that whoever did it at least used gold so my loss will not be total. Thank you for bringing it to my attention which is much appreciated although depressing.
I have disposed of nearly 100 sovereigns and as an amateur I suppose I should be grateful only 2 were forgeries. I have started collecting this past year although not gold and tend to use professional auction houses. No doubt there are any number of people in my situation: buyer beware!!
Thanks again and a pity you were not around when I bought it. (I will withdraw it on Monday when eBay are available as I will do it through their customer service department).
Don’t bother coming back to me as I have now compared a good George V with this one and the differences are obvious in many ways. My only hope is that whoever did it at least used gold so my loss will not be total. Thank you for bringing it to my attention which is much appreciated although depressing.
I have disposed of nearly 100 sovereigns and as an amateur I suppose I should be grateful only 2 were forgeries. I have started collecting this past year although not gold and tend to use professional auction houses. No doubt there are any number of people in my situation: buyer beware!!
Thanks again and a pity you were not around when I bought it. (I will withdraw it on Monday when eBay are available as I will do it through their customer service department).
11/02/17 19:03:11
Συγχαρητήρια Γιώργο για την ενέργειά σου να ενημερώσεις τον πωλητή για την πλαστότητα του νομίσματος.
12/02/17 22:10:22
12/02/17 22:38:02
Φοβερή ουρά, Μιχάλη, χώρια από τα άλλα. Με τι χτένα την περιποιείται άραγε;
12/02/17 22:48:43
Φαίνεται πως κάποιος πειραματίστηκε αρκετά με το συγκεκριμένο Θανάση
26/03/17 19:24:14
M' αρέσει που εγγυάται κιόλας για την γνησιότητά τους, τρομάρα του
27/03/17 09:21:29
(26/03/17 19:24:14)Nonos Έγραψε: M' αρέσει που εγγυάται κιόλας για την γνησιότητά τους, τρομάρα του
Είναι πολύ
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