Sovereign 2017 proof
16/02/17 14:49:42
Ναι,σε Sovereign οχι αλλα σε five pound (crown) άνετα.
Του 89 ειναι η Ελισαβετ δεν ειναι τι να σου πω πιθανότατα ειναι ομως γιατί σε sovereign δεν μπορεί ναι ειναι άλλος.
Του 89 ειναι η Ελισαβετ δεν ειναι τι να σου πω πιθανότατα ειναι ομως γιατί σε sovereign δεν μπορεί ναι ειναι άλλος.
16/02/17 16:37:20
(16/02/17 14:49:42)gkounto Έγραψε: Ναι,σε Sovereign οχι αλλα σε five pound (crown) άνετα.
Του 89 ειναι η Ελισαβετ δεν ειναι τι να σου πω πιθανότατα ειναι ομως γιατί σε sovereign δεν μπορεί ναι ειναι άλλος.
Μάλλον γιατί η λέξη Sovereign σημαίνει μονάρχης, άρα υποθέτω πρέπει να έχει τον μονάρχη πάνω.
16/02/17 16:46:52
Δεν μπορεί να έβαλαν άλλη βασίλισσα
The obverse, or head side, shows the Queen seated facing on a throne. The majestic appearance of this design, combined with the large size, weight and purity of the original sovereigns, is the reason the new gold coin came to be called a sovereign in the first place.
16/02/17 16:49:19
Εδω μου δίνεις την ευκαιρια να πω οτι sovereign (κυριαρχος) ειναι τίτλος που απονέμεται στον μονάρχη. Ο μονάρχης ειναι αξίωμα.
Στην Αγγλία ειναι μάλλον συνώνυμα.Στην Ελλάδα ο βασιλιάς ήταν μονάρχης αλλα οχι κυρίαρχος.
Στην Αγγλία ειναι μάλλον συνώνυμα.Στην Ελλάδα ο βασιλιάς ήταν μονάρχης αλλα οχι κυρίαρχος.
16/02/17 16:56:47
Κάθε sovereign αναγράφει πάνω της ποιός είναι ο κυρίαρχος, όπως λέει και ο Γιώργος, και του 1989 το αναγράφει, Elizabeth II
17/02/17 03:15:46
Όσον αφορά την άλλη πλευρά μόλις έμαθα από που εμπνεύστηκε ο Pistrucci
St George and the Gold Sovereign
St George slaying the dragon was the chosen subject for the new gold sovereign that made its debut in the late summer of 1817. Destined to become one of the world’s best-loved coin designs, it was created by the Italian gem engraver Benedetto Pistrucci who had come to London in 1815 and whose subsequent association with the Royal Mint brought about something of a golden era in numismatic art.
Founded on a style inspired by classical Greece, Pistrucci’s approach to the design represented a refreshing departure from previous gold coins whose style had been traditionally heraldic. It seems he may have found inspiration in the magnificent Elgin Marbles, the beautiful marble carvings that Thomas Bruce, the 7th Earl of Elgin, brought to England in the early 1800s.
The ornamental frieze originally decorated the Parthenon in Athens and displayed some 400 human figures and 200 animals that seemed to be taking part in a lively procession. The horsemen provide a wonderful impression of movement, their face and body expressions conveying a sense of skill and confidence, as they easily keep their horses under firm control.
Pistrucci’s St George is strongly reminiscent of these marble relief sculptures, his horse adopting an aggressive attitude towards the wounded dragon yet effortlessly kept in check by his master. His design of a naked Greek horseman mounted on a Parthenon-style horse is, indeed, one of great classic beauty and many would still agree with Humphrey Sutherland who, in his book Art in Coinage (1955) declared it one of the noblest innovations in English coin design from 1800 to the present day. To the delight of collectors, artists and historians, it continues on the gold sovereign to this very day.
Και μερικές reference images
[Εικόνα: detail-from-the-parthenon-frieze-greek-m...d179793398]
[Εικόνα: detail-from-the-parthenon-frieze-greek-m...d179793514]
St George and the Gold Sovereign
St George slaying the dragon was the chosen subject for the new gold sovereign that made its debut in the late summer of 1817. Destined to become one of the world’s best-loved coin designs, it was created by the Italian gem engraver Benedetto Pistrucci who had come to London in 1815 and whose subsequent association with the Royal Mint brought about something of a golden era in numismatic art.
Founded on a style inspired by classical Greece, Pistrucci’s approach to the design represented a refreshing departure from previous gold coins whose style had been traditionally heraldic. It seems he may have found inspiration in the magnificent Elgin Marbles, the beautiful marble carvings that Thomas Bruce, the 7th Earl of Elgin, brought to England in the early 1800s.
The ornamental frieze originally decorated the Parthenon in Athens and displayed some 400 human figures and 200 animals that seemed to be taking part in a lively procession. The horsemen provide a wonderful impression of movement, their face and body expressions conveying a sense of skill and confidence, as they easily keep their horses under firm control.
Pistrucci’s St George is strongly reminiscent of these marble relief sculptures, his horse adopting an aggressive attitude towards the wounded dragon yet effortlessly kept in check by his master. His design of a naked Greek horseman mounted on a Parthenon-style horse is, indeed, one of great classic beauty and many would still agree with Humphrey Sutherland who, in his book Art in Coinage (1955) declared it one of the noblest innovations in English coin design from 1800 to the present day. To the delight of collectors, artists and historians, it continues on the gold sovereign to this very day.
Και μερικές reference images
[Εικόνα: detail-from-the-parthenon-frieze-greek-m...d179793398]
[Εικόνα: detail-from-the-parthenon-frieze-greek-m...d179793514]
13/05/17 17:47:58
13/05/17 18:21:37
Πρώτη φορά από την Κοινοπολιτεία ακούω το ΓΙβλαρταρ να βγάζει λίρα
13/05/17 18:26:53
Καρακιτς. Δεν μου αρέσει καθόλου.
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